Win The War for Talent (The Simple Way)

Win The War for Talent (The Simple Way)

There may be buzz around “AI in businesses” and the latest digital marketing trends, but if people don’t work for you, your business doesn’t work. That’s why our current “war for talent” is the biggest business challenge of our day. Let’s talk...
Give More to Employees for Less

Give More to Employees for Less

Every employer wishes they could give their employees the world—better pay, better benefits, more vacation, diverse career training—but, unfortunately, we all have budgets to deal with. As long as money doesn’t grow on trees, we have to be selective when investing in...
3 Secrets of Quantifying Employee Costs

3 Secrets of Quantifying Employee Costs

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” -Peter Drucker The quote is an oldie, but a goodie, and applies to every aspect of your business.  You want to make more money? You have to track your cash flows.  You want to be more efficient? You have to track your output....